Friday, January 17, 2014

I Love Mom

I love my Mom,
More than
She is more fun,
Then any other Mum.
She wiggles and waggles,
And wiggles and waggles,
Even though she never gets,
Her kitchen work done.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Criteria To Determine A Planet


Today I learned a very interesting stuff about planet, so thought to share with all of you.

What is the criteria to figure it out whether a celestial body is a planet or not? There are three criteria to determine this.
1) It should orbit around the sun.
2) It should be big enough that it's own gravity pulls it into the shape of ball.
3) It must have cleared other things out of the way in its orbital.

Pluto was used to be define as a planet. But Pluto orbits among the icy wrecks. So this does not meet third criteria. And that is the reason, we don't include Pluto in our solar system planet list.

Hope you would like this interesting fact.


Thursday, December 26, 2013

Sweet and Tender

Sweet and tender,
Said Mrs. Rob.
Right after,
See bit off a top.

Red as rose.
Beige inside.
With five seeds,
Formed as a flower, deep inside.

Can you guess,
What it is.
It's a juicy apple,
Sweet and tender.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Your Beautiful Eyes

Why so bright,
The eyes of yours.
With the most beautiful,
Of color.
From turquoise,
To dark brown.
Most beautiful eyes,
Then all to everyone's.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Leather Of Love

The soft fabric in every stitch,
The love of the texture,
The smell of roses in every centimeter,
What is this fabric of LOVE?
Between this thought of a poem,
You will never know.

By Arushi

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Princesses - Poem

Princesses are pretty,
Princesses are sweet,
Princesses are like a treat.
Princesses are nice to everybody in this town,
Because they are sweet.

Kids - Poem

Kids are here,
kids are there,
kids are everywhere.
I'm here,
I'm there,
I'm everywhere.
Because I am a kid.